As you've noticed, Aenied has been and currently is inactive in terms of management. Sadly, the people running the board do not have enough time on their hands to keep up with the kind of schedule that is involved of said activities. And so, you are welcome to all transfer your account, roleplay-threads and boards to Dystopia, another board I'm trusting to keep you satisfied in your lust and personal need for roleplay activeness.
This is not to say that Aenied will be closed from here on, but rather set aside for the time being. Trust in me, your Admin, that if Aenied ever becomes fully active that you will indeed hear the word as I myself will log into Dystopia and join you in the art of roleplay. Until then, please feel welcome to make your choice of either staying here at or transfering over to Dystopia.
You can find their board linked HERE.