I do believe I was once a Vegan, though it was very, very brief. Either that, or a Vargan, but Donna says it's Vegan. So Vegan it is.
I remember once that I was in training with t2. I wanted to excel at it. So I worked hard, though to be honest, Trey always worked harder than me. I'm the slacker in t2, and he's the slacker in leading. So it turned out fine afterwards. Everything fell into place.
Scotty, who had RP'ed as Vega, started a clan. I can't remember what's it called. But I do believe Donna was there as witness for some events. Anyhow, I joined to improve my t2 .. though little did I know, I would do things that I'd regret, for months after.
I made about three kills in that place, none of which I actually wanted to. Verges raped a girl once, then told me to kill her, and the guy who tried to protect the girl. I think while we were in the tavern, ready to snatch someone, I had killed someone along the way.
My own conscioence got to me, and I wiped the girl's blood away after this one guy cut off her tongue [I think Scottish James RP'ed as him]. I wouldn't rape her when Vega told me to, and I got in trouble. So then afterwards .. I quit.
I couldn't do it anymore. It felt wrong to kill these peoples' characters. Maybe that's stupid, but it was wrong. From then on, I knew abit about Vegans, even though I heard stories beforehand, and knew I wouldn't ever be one again. I don't regret what I did before, because it's all a part of me. I learnt the lesson, and it won't happen again. That's the end of my account on myself as a Vegan.